How Runes Work

Rho Spiritual Guide RunesNo one really knows how old runes are. Rune-like symbols have made appearances in cave markings in the early ages (circa 1300 BC), and have been mentioned in the Bible, but their use in Oracle readings pre-date their use as a system of writing.

Runes is an old Norse word and the Poetic Edda, written in  1200AD, describes how Odin found the runes at the base of the tree of knowledge.

The development into the 25 runes with the blank tile representing Odin became known in Europe around 200 AD.

Some people fashion runes out of small wooden tiles and carve their own symbols  although I prefer to use the stone tiles.  The runes are kept in a special box or pouch and then can be withdrawn during a reading.  Each rune represents a god or aspect, and the manner in which they are revealed can be used to guide the self to the Self and to the Divine.

The visual nature of rune readings helps focus the energy and leads to a stronger, more vivid connection with the Spirit.  They are especially helpful in uncovering areas which require more attention but may have been hidden or suppressed for one reason or another.

I generally use runes in conjunction with other tools, in order to gain a fuller picture of a client’s situation and available paths.