Cleansing Works
I have a conducted quite a few of these since I have commenced this type of work.
Residual Energy
Residual energy is a scene or feelings that have existed over a period time due to negative longings. These feelings are so powerful that they keep being played over and over again.
A friend of mine passed away several years ago and when I had entered his home I could still see him in the last few minutes of his life. The scene kept playing over and over again. He passed away without his partner by his side. His thoughts were focused on that before he left and that energy of feeling was still playing over and over. Unresolved feelings. Fears before departure on this earth can stay and replay itself. We walk through those feelings and emotions unless we clear them up.
I use sage and contact the spirit at the area to indicate all is well and that things are in fact peaceful. This is usually enough to clear the residual energy and clear the space.
Clearing Negative Spirits and Energy
Clearing out entities or old spirits requires a lot more energy and work.
Spirits that have remained earthbound should be sent to the light and if they are able to return afterwards then they will. Because they should not be "stuck" here they are often confused and may be angry and frustrated due to their lack of understanding about what has happened.
Again I use sage and begin to bring in the light. I do try to understand why they are here. Most times they are still here because they have not been able to let go of their connection to this earth, due to a violent or sudden death. A loss they suffered while on this earth. Fear of moving on. Knowing their name is not important to me. What is important, is that they follow the path to where they should go. I help them to see the light and that they should not fear it.
Clearing out entities, on the other hand, is a battle. When dealing with dark beings I try to work as quickly as possible. These are not things you want to have a deep conversation with. They must cleared and a lot of energy is required to do this. All I can say about darkness is that it is what it is. Darkness knows why I am at the home the minute I enter and sometimes even beforehand. I banish it as forcefully and quickly as possible. I have not experienced a strong wind blowing or things falling (not to say that those that have are lying) I just have not. I have experienced feelings. Especially of nausea, constriction, dizziness and feeling cold. This is deep energy work that is pretty much a battle. It can be quite exhausting. Depending on how entities have entered the home sometimes more than one cleansing can be required.
I use sage, sometimes salt, prayers and a candle.
Staying focused and strong through a clearing are always important and the key to working through what one has to face.