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Setting Boundaries

In my May newsletter I briefly discussed boundaries especially for empaths. But how do we set boundaries and why are they so important?  Boundaries are important for our mental and emotional health. It is okay to say no especially if we are feeling intimidated or overwhelmed. We should not do something because we feel obligated or guilty. How can we notice that our boundaries are being infringed upon?  Well, our bodies tell us. Do you feel yourself tensing up? How is your gut feeling? Is it tensing up? Do you feel like your heart is suddenly dropping? Are you finding it difficult to answer and cannot find the words? Or do you feel stressed or rushed in needing to provide an answer? Think back on situations when you did something you really did not want to do. Reflection is a great teacher and guide in understanding oneself. It is important to have healthy boundaries because if we do have healthy boundaries healthier situations will come our way. It is a ripple effect. Individuals say “

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