Facing the Truth With Spirit

This week we are focusing on the word Truth. It appeared several times this past weekend and continues to come up a lot recently, so I feel compelled to write about this word.

It literally came up even when I watched television. There was a network show called “Truth TV”. Not sure what it was about, but I saw it. Also some of my readings involved a lot about truth this week. Especially the word “truth” itself came up in the Oracle cards I use.

Truth can be defined as the real facts about something, as the things that are true, or the quality or state of being true.

Mystics are constantly in search of the truth as well as the unification of the divine. Oneness and truth go hand in hand as do love and truth.

As we all know, most people don’t like the truth and this is so because the truth to most of us is painful. However, if we lived more in a true state, we would not find it as painful.

Truth allows us to admit what should be corrected. Truth is positive and real and powerful. It is clear and with pure intention. Its aim is not to hurt, but to clarify. Truth and love go hand-in-hand. You cannot have truth without love and vice versa.

We, as a people, like to sweep things under the carpet. But as I always tell people, when you start jumping on that carpet, all that dust is going to come out! In the end, the truth always comes out as the saying goes.

Look at your own life, did the truth come out at some point? Of course! Truth is powerful and it is best lived that way. Seek the truth, you end up seeking yourself and in the end you will find Divine.

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