What really happens during a reading?

This week I am giving you a behind the scenes look at how my readings actually occur.

The first thing that happens is that I take some time to prepare when I am meeting a client - I like calling it “getting into mode”. I like to prepare the meeting or session with a client about half hour before. I think of your name and the person you are or might be and I get the room ready for the session. Candles, cards, runes and paper and pen. If I am a having a phone reading I like to use incense.

Do I really need to use incense? No, but I enjoy it, especially when I do a phone reading. I sometimes ask if I can light incense during regular readings. Does this affect the reading? Absolutely not, but I do like to sometimes have incense burnt just because it helps improve the experience.

I greet the person and we begin with the client choosing one rune (it shows me where you are at this moment and time in your life) and then next I use Angel and Saints oracle cards. I begin the intense part of the reading by drawing the Star of David with the person’s name it and build the reading from there. I also use other oracle cards throughout the reading.

If the reading is over the phone I only do channeled writing.

Also I indicate who your spirit guide is. It could be a friend or relative or an angel. Yes the guide is pointed out in readings whether via phone or by face to face readings.

On occasion I get follow-up emails requesting that I elaborate on a question that I answered or the client may have forgotten to ask a question. Unfortunately I can’t remember my readings so I really can’t elaborate next day. Imagine me remembering all the readings I have ever read! I work with spirit. The answer is worked through me, it really isn’t me.

More importantly, I don’t have your energy and if you analyze your question you will see that if this question was truly urgent to be answered you would have asked the night you met with me.

Personally, I can’t just do a reading from an email. There may be others that can, but I don’t.

I cannot emphasize enough how precious working with spirit is. I have been asked why don’t you ask for winning lottery numbers - I say because it is an abuse of the relationship between spirit and I. I would rather continue the work than compromise myself. I like to see myself as a helper. To keep a relationship positive and true, we have to respect each other. Same goes with relationships with guides, spirits, Creator etc and believe me they know when we aren’t being that way.

Readings, relationship with spirit and our own souls are all a precious thing. Not to be taken lightly, but with deep understanding of oneness and embracing Creator sense.

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