Exploring the World of Shamanism

I was away recently in Toronto attending a weekend Shamanic Core Course. It was intense and fun, spanning all day for both the Saturday and the Sunday. It also was incredible, with the sense of the learning on so many levels.

There were 26 students (it was considered fully booked!!!) so Shamanic knowledge is on the rise.

As explained by our instructor, this type of approach has been ongoing for years, even centuries. There are different types of shamanism: Peruvian, Russian, Korean, and of course North American. However, in the end while there are a few differences, the essence of Shamanism is the same.

I will not be classified as a Shaman as I am not an indigenous person, but I can eventually be considered one who is a Shaman Practitioner.

Some of the things taught were that there are 3 worlds. Upper world, lower world and middle earth.

The tree of life is used for this symbolism. Upper World not as easy as one would think to navigate. The lower world is full of animals. The middle world, where if I may use my own words at this point, is where the more complicated stuff exists.

It was enlightening, encouraging and enthralling. I loved all aspects of it. It was both gentle and at times very harsh at the understanding of oneself and earthly things. It was also a course that made one connect to Mother Earth. I am a Reiki Master and Shamanism to me seems totally different. We are expected to work with the Earth and animals and nature all at the same time.

Reiki is energy and symbol based - very different. Not knocking Reiki, but I must say all is connected in what I felt. I am thinking of combining Shamanism and Reiki for healing.

I believe in expansion of self. It takes courage, folks, to reach for different venues of the self. It takes courage to stretch and believe in yourself. No one but yourself. I encourage you all to believe and stretch yourself. After all, it is 2016 the year of clarity. Please think of ways to stretch and believe and then please please do!

No limitations, just courage and expansion.

Namaste to the beat of the drum!

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