Using Our Energy to Create A Better World

I recently had a bit of a health scare. I had a mammogram done for the first time and the result came back showing a mass.

The very next day after my initial test, my doctor called. He said that there was a concern and that I should attend for further tests as soon as possible.

So needless to say, now I was concerned. I attended for further testing and waited.

Throughout the whole process when doubt or worry would creep into my head, I would stop the dark thoughts by performing Reiki on myself or focusing on my breathing. Deep breaths helped keep me calm and be at peace.

I tried to keep the worry to myself. My fiancé knew but I ended up telling only two of my girlfriends.

When I realized how anxious and concerned my girlfriends became, I actually felt awful that I had told them. I didn’t want them to worry so now this added further to my stress about the situation.

I assured them that I was staying positive and I wanted them to as well. I focused on the important things in life around me. I realized how important routine is in our lives to help us move through difficult times. It helped me to stay focused and not become consumed by the anxiety.

When the results came back it turned out that there was no concern after all.

I must say, I was totally relieved when I received the good news. So I thought to myself, how can I give back? I realized that the number 8 represents infinity. Therefore on the 8th, 18th and 28th of every month, I decided that I would meditate or say a prayer for one minute and give that time to gratitude and also give that time to those that need help with cancer using thoughts of healing for them.

If you would like to do the same, there is power in group meditation and prayer work so welcome aboard! Or perhaps I have inspired you to do something for your specific cause! If that is the case, awesome! Whatever the case sending positive thoughts to others for healing is another way of helping the world we live in.

Stay happy, healthy and hopeful. Happy New Year!

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