Freeing Yourself From Limiting Beliefs
Salutations all!
I have met a number of people of late that have expressed thoughts that seem limiting to me. We allhave them. They are called limiting beliefs.
These beliefs stem from others imposing their views, not only of how they see who we are, but their also their thoughts of their own limitations. Limiting beliefs stop us from doing what we are capable of. We talk ourselves out of doing something that we feel we should be uncomfortable with.
Limiting beliefs are generally established when we are young. It could be from our parents, grandparents, siblings, other family members, teachers, friends, etc. Fears are connected to limiting beliefs. They could range from fear of heights to doubt in oneself.
Make a list of your limiting beliefs. What do you think you are not capable of? What are your fears? What are your doubts? When you look at others, why do you think you cannot have the same as them? What do you think is stopping you from achieving or fulfilling your dreams?
Don’t be hard on yourself when making this list, be mindful. Take your time with this. Don’t spew anger towards this list. Please analyze and think of yourself. How have you stopped yourself from trying something you wanted to do? Do you realize that you stop yourself or do you blame others first? Do you hold a lot of regrets and focus on the regrets only? How could have you changed those regrets? There is still time.
We are our own worst enemy as the saying goes and it is true. We doubt ourselves and at most times we don’t love ourselves. When you make this list, do it with love and tell yourself “look at how you limit yourself!” Talk to yourself, meditate on it, and take deep breaths. Then review your list with straight, simple, slow direction and of course with LOVE!