The Law of Vibration

I wanted to write about another of the laws of universal manifestation. This law is the Law of Vibration.

Everything vibrates in this world. This means that each thing has a vibration frequency and what kind of frequency it has creates our physical reality.

If we surround ourselves with low frequency people or situations we will constantly be feeling low energy, tired or blah in life.


If we feel positive and energetic then we are vibrating at that elevation.


How is it that we attract or manifest this law of vibration? Well, we do need to look at our baggage. Do we have baggage? How can you vibrate at a higher level when you are weighted down by your baggage.


If you lighten your load you can vibrate at a higher level. If you keep your heavy load you will only be able to vibrate at a lower frequency by the weight you are carrying and the energy you are slightly allowing to surface.


Check out your vibration. Be aware of your frequency. Examine yourself and feel what you are feeling.  Instead of always thinking of what is going on, why not trying to “feel” what is going on. It is time to let go.


Unwrap the baggage and let go.

Vibrate at a higher frequency! 

In peace,



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