How to Find Energy Vortex Locations light quoteThis month I am going to Sedona, Arizona, so I thought I would share some background on energy vortices and what they do.
What is a vortex?
A vortex is a funnel shape which can be made by a whirling fluid, like water, or by spiraling energy – a good example of this would be a tornado.
Throughout the world there are several well documented energy vortices.  These geometric points can be found where Ley Lines intersect.
One such group, labelled “the Vile Vortices”, is perhaps best to be described as negative magnetic forces.  Known also as “the Devil’s Graveyards”, they are the site of many unexplained disappearances and include:
  • The Bermuda Triangle
  • The Algerian Megalithic Ruins
  • The Mohenjo Daro, Karachi (Pakistan)
  • The Dragon Triangle, Japan
  • Hamakulia, Hawaii
There are also positive healing energy vortices:
  • Between Sedona, Arizona and Sonora, Mexico
  • Egypt – Pyramids
  • Himalayas, Tibet
  • Mid-Atlantic and Mediterranean
Sedona, Arizona and “Sedona Stone”
There are 4 vortex locations in Arizona:  Bell Rock, Airport Mesa, Cathedral Rock and Boynton Canyon.  Usually where 2 or more earth energy meridians cross, powerful psychic vortex exits.  The ancients believed these centres to be healing spots which had strong shamanic power and locals still hold this land to be sacred.
Bell Rock and Airport Mesa are electrical vortices or yang energy.  Cathedral Rock is a magnetic vortex or yin energy.  Boynton Canyon is electro-magnetic energy.
Common feelings near these sites are a feeling of well-being, increased spiritual awareness, fresh insights, immense feeling of joy and feeling light for several days after.
“Sedona Stone” is a sandstone oxidized by iron.  It is believed to hold concentrated energy of powerful multidimensional vortices and  is also said to be connected  to universal knowledge.  This power is so concentrated that even the smallest pebble contains the energy vortices.  Its uses include increasing metaphysical insight and promoting out-of-body travel.
I will definitely be looking to pick up some of this unique stone while I explore the area – check back over the next few weeks as I share my new finds.